A Monthly Subscription to Coaching Excellence
Single Session Registration Page
Second Wednesday of Every Month - Beginning in 2023
Coaching Red Flags
January 11
Coaches are seeing more red flags now than ever and can expect to in the future. Being comfortable and skilled at coaching through them is key. Support your clients while staying in scope, and maintaining client agency and safety.
Focus/Agenda: The Coaching Agreement
February 8
Every coaching session must flow from a client-led agenda. Grow your skill in co-creating the client’s true agenda. Understand the focus, the true underlying goal or desire, and the desired outcome from the session. Trouble shoot around unfocused clients and shifting focus.
Mastering the Consultation: The Arc of Coaching, Part 1
March 8
Coach the consultation. Make every consultation a powerful session. While not every consultation will lead to a signed contract, every session can be a powerful experience for the prospective client as well as for you as the coach.
Professional Baggage Handling for Coaches
April 12
Deal with your own shit. Recognize what are your issues versus your client’s issues. Explore ways to handle your baggage so you can be a better coach and a happier person.
Vision: Arc of Coaching, Part 2
May 10
Deepen client satisfaction and coaching skill around vision and visioning. Incorporate vision throughout the coaching process; how to use vision in consultations; guide your client to leave the first full session inspired and excited; know the distinction between long-term goals and vision.
Q & A / Supervision
June 14
Opportunity to address the most pressing issues in your coaching. Depending on the group’s interests and needs, this may include demos, discussion, supervision.
Long-Term Goals: Arc of Coaching, Part 3
July 12
Long-term goals are a key to helping a client achieve their vision. This is part of the design phase as well as an important part of ongoing coaching and planning. How to effectively set SMART long-term goals with your clients and hold them throughout the coaching arc while maintaining flexibility. Recognize new long-term goals as they emerge.
Values & Strengths
August 9
These are both crucial elements of Positive Psychology and effective coaching. What’s the difference? How to use them powerfully. Learn to evoke, recognize, and mine for client growth and learning.
Improv for Coaches: Play in Coaching
September 13
Bring more play and playfulness to grow your skills and breathe new life into your coaching. For more details on Improv for Coaches, see: https://bnamentorcoaching.com/improv-for-coaches
If it's all about the client, where do I fit in?
October 11
Where does our personality fit in? How much of ourselves do we bring into the coaching? What is my unique coach personality? Using energetics and flexibility, we find the way to be client-centered consistent with our personal style.
Coaching with Restrictions
November 8
Time Management; Third-party contracts; Working with minors; Challenges around staying client centered while following company protocols (e.g. in health-tech companies)
Q & A / Supervision
December 13
Opportunity to address the most pressing issues in your coaching. Depending on the group’s interests and needs, this may include demos, discussion, supervision.
If you decide to join the subscription, please choose from the options below.
Sign up for either mornings or evenings depending on your schedule. The content is the same.
Session recordings will be available for those who are registered for that session for one month.
Subscripition is $49 a month. Single Sessions are $75.
CEs are not available for single sessions.
Morning Salon
10 am - Noon PT / 1 pm - 3 pm ET
Evening Salon
4 pm - 6 pm PT / 7 pm - 9 pm ET