Bring Improvisation into Your Organization

For In-person, Remote or Hybrid Teams

Whether you have a coaching staff or not, we offer team coaching and training. Through improvisation, we build team cohesion, communication skills, creativity and employee retention.

BnA Mentor Coaching programs and approach include basic and advanced coaching and communication skills, supervision, mentor coaching, group/team coaching, feedback/difficult conversations, scope of practice, handling red flags, ethical dilemmas, and more. Our “Improv for …,” approach is a popular, innovative way of lowering the stakes and facilitating confidence, growth and learning.  BNA Mentor Coaching is an ICF and NBHWC certified continuing education provider, and can provide CEUs for those who qualify. Some of the ways we can support your team include:

  • Coaching and mentoring to corporate teams through trainings, presentations and workshops as well as one-on-one mentoring and coaching for individual leaders and leadership teams. 

  • Team coaching for leadership -- helping your team work more effectively and joyfully setting goals and solving challenges; clarifying and working toward the shared vision, while building on the vision and values of each individual

  • Coaching for leaders -- partnering with you to become the leader you want to be, to develop your own skills and to design and implement a vision and goals for your team and their development.

  • Continuing education/coach training for professional coaches with a primary focus on experiential learning. Many coaches work as employees in companies that offer coaching through various models and formats (live, video, phone, text). If the coaching is part of a collaborative model, they may also be balancing the needs and agendas of the client as well as the agenda of medical or other practitioners.

  • Coaching Supervision — supporting coaches in maintaining professional and ethical practice. Supervision provides coaches a safe space to work through challenges, including red flags and other ethical concerns, so that they can provide the highest quality service for their clients. For more information, see HERE.

For trainings, we offer a number of existing courses/workshops and specialize in tailoring and designing what will be most helpful to each client. After meeting with you to determine your needs, goals and strengths, we design a program that will take your team forward. 

  • “Anna [Barnwell] and I can’t begin to thank you enough for the incredibly insightful training you provided for the Virta mentoring team. The warm-ups pumped energy and creativity into the team, and the scenarios activity with affirming feedback proved to be a learning opportunity on so many fronts, as well as a chance to see what strong mentors we are. It really got our mentors out of their comfort zone, and I think they were rewarded with a boost of self-confidence. Anna and I feel this sort of improv role play practice during our monthly meetings will be an excellent use of our time, to learn from each other and to improve upon our skills.”

    Marlia Braun PhD, RD — Health Coach Mentor, Virta Health

  • Amy and Betsy delivered an Improv Coaching session to our global Coach Community. They did a fantastic job in building a joyful team connection that inspired our coaches to bring new perspectives to their coaching and expand their skill set. Aside from an incredibly informative session, we had a few good laughs and were able to be playful throughout the session. All in all it was a fantastic way to expand our knowledge and connect as a community. I highly recommend working with BNA Mentor Coaching.

    Desiree Perez —Coach Community Director, Sayge