Join guest facilitators Betsy Salkind and Amy Warshawsky, creators of Improv for Coaches – where coaching meets the spontaneous art of improvisation. Discover more joy in coaching, as we play with presence, active listening, succinctness, and co-creation – embracing the bottomless well of possibilities in each coaching moment.
Come for the warm-up games. Stay for “Coaching with a Twist.”
Bring your adventurous spirit, your sense of play and fun.
Upon completion of this session, you will be able to:
Quickly come into a calm, creative, resourceful state.
Actively listen and bring greater precision to reflections of client desires, values and strengths.
Bring more playfulness and empathy into your coaching.
Find more freedom in your coaching through non-judgment of self and others.
Integrate ICF core coaching competencies in ways that support client transformation.